Monday 22 April 2013

Newent and Dymock woods and nature reserves, Gloucestershire.

In Dymock Wood

Wild Primrose and Wood Anemones

Wood Anemone
 I thought I would share some more of the photos from my walk along the woods and nature reserves around Dymock and Newent. Yesterday's walk was just so delightful, and as well as the wide panoramic shots I shared, I also took detailed pictures of some of the flora.

Wild Watercress, (possibly)
As well as the native daffodils which the area is famed for, there are many other beautiful flowers. Here are just a few that I spotted.

There are a few who's names I am not certain of. I have had a go at identifying them though. The wild watercress I found in a book called food for free, but famously when that book was first published a reader died from accidental poisoning as they miss identified something.

Our native flora, almost always beautiful, but occasionally deadly.

Not quite sure, neither an anemone or buttercup

Flower on a clematis like woody vine

Apple Blossom

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