Thursday 4 April 2013

St Michaels & All Angels Church, Great Witley, Worcestershire.

Exterior with dome and clock

From the outside Whitley church doesn't really look all that special. It seems very much to be in keeping with the house, but the gold dome and clock, although beautiful, don't scream special.

Inside is a different story. The church was built with the monies and ideas of the Foley family, and so it much more so than the old photographs, highlights just how sad the lost of their home to the fire was. It must have been just as beautiful.

The church has one of the countries, if not the worlds, finest 18th century interiors. These photographs only hint at the great beauty. Everything is so ornate, a delightful mix of Baroque and Rococo styles. The work has been done by some of the finest artisans of the time, in every case. Paintings, carvings, glass, nothing has been scrimped on. The Foley family certainly had style and an eye for beauty.
The alter view
 The painted panels are by the great painter Antonio Bellucci.
The ornate wooden pulpit was the work of the sculptor James Forsyth, whilst the magnificent marble font is the work of his brother William Forsyth, and are my particular favourite. Between then the lectern and all the pews were carved.
Main fresco

Pulpit detail

One of the marble angels supporting the font

Foley family memorial

The many stained glass windows were the work of Joshua Price, who worked on them between 1718 and 1721, and they are considered to be the best collection of his work in existence.

The influence of the great tour may never have borne quite so much fruit anywhere else, bar the once great home, unfortunately lost to fire.
Small fresco detail

One of the stained glass windows

View from alter, showing font, ornate organ and balconies

View from one of the balconies

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