Friday 26 April 2013

Sunshine, Elgar and bluebells, Malvern Wells Common, Worcestershire.

The Elgars bench path
Horse chestnut Avenue
A wonderfully warm morning, bathed in glorious sunshine. I parked in the upper car park off Peachfield Road and walked along the top path past Elgar's bench. Yellow wood anemones still adorn the lush green grass and the young leaves are now opening upon the horse chestnut avenue.
Elgar's Bench

Mirror like pool
 The pool is perfectly clear and still, reflecting the sky above as well as any mirror.

Blue bells just opening

Beyond the pool I found the first bluebells I have seen in flower this year. It will be at least another week before the bluebells on the west side of the hill open, but here on the east side spring is looking beautifully brilliant.

Bluebell detail

The hill above Elgar's bench

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