Wednesday 10 April 2013

More beautiful things from Queenswood arboretum.

Nice blossom, possibly Quince
Detail shot of air roots
 Today I haven't had the chance to go anywhere. I thought I would share a few of the pictures that hadn't previously made the blog. The beautiful blossom had no label, and I wasn't sure what it was, other than beautiful. Chinese Quince is the name that keeps coming into my mind, but I am not confident that that is right. I think Chinese quince blossom maybe orange.

The roots, like fine hair, climbing up the host tree were just so lovely, and "drink" dew mostly. Nature can be quite fascinating.

The red wood I took a picture of simply because my son thought it looked like the tree had a thousand eyes. I think it's quite nice but what I really loved is how much my son liked it.

The panoramic shot was taken at the view point, and didn't really work as it was too overcast to see very much, but I rather liked the effect.

I just didn't want you to think I had forgotten you today.

The roots climbing up the host tree

A random pretty view

Red wood tree detail

Just quite a nice picture

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