Friday 5 April 2013

Whitley Court Lakes, woods and children's garden, Worcestershire.

The Whitley Court Lake

 Part of Whitley Court is a less formal wood, with a
On the path through the wood
 large naturalistic lake, which supplies the Shawley
 Brook from it's cascade. A large clear path through
 the wood leads you along the brook, and you could
 happily imagine all is as nature intended, but if you
 look closely you realise that much of the planting,
 including the trees, are American species, imported
 in the 1870's and 1880's.

The giant spiders web in the wilderness garden

Willow Nessies

In the 1990's a wilderness garden was developed to showcase native trees and plants. This area is being developed for children, and already boasts a giant spider and to willow "Loch Ness Monsters".
This year two beautiful wooden play areas have been built. One is for young primary age children and the other for older junior age children. They are due to be opened very soon.
The younger children's play area

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