Tuesday 30 April 2013

The meaning and value of life.

The news can be rather depressing and the more it becomes a list of  world atrocities and celebrity happenings the more it screws with societies understanding of the worth of the individual. This is something we should rile against. I think each life and individual is equally of value..... and so I wrote this poem.


I have seen great beauty
Drank deeply at the well of joy.
My kind deeds and words outnumber
Those I did enjoy.

And yet the bottom line in life,
My value and my worth,
Is measured by all Those who Are,
By what is in my purse.

Is the life of celebrities,
Millionaires and Kings and Queens,
Really that much more valuable,
Than those who live unseen.

The same sun shines on me.
The same rain quench my thirst.
I may be last and lowly,
But breathe the same air as the First.

Weighed upon life's scales
This life is worthless found,
But eternally we all weigh,
In dust, about a pound.

By Izzy.B.Silver  

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