Sunday 14 April 2013

Hellens Manor Gardens, Much Marcle, Ledbury, Hereford.

Jason with Golden Fleece
Today I went to see Hellens Manor, (HR6 2LY), but things didn't quite go to plan. Hellens is open Wednesdays/ Thursdays and Sundays from Easter to October, 2pm-5pm. The details I had said you could just turn up at these times, on prior booking needed. For reasons I am about to explain though, if I were you I would ring, (01531660504).

Elephant with Manor behind
We arrived and as there were other cars in the car park, and an open gate with the legend, "entrance" upon it we walked in and began admiring the gardens. At some point we expected to find someone looking for payment, and were hoping to have a look around the manor house, which was built in 1096. The house looks fabulous in the leaflet we had. 

Manor house
We saw no-one, which was rather spooky. The gardens though were magical. As you can see they are quite formal and Jacobean in style near the manor. Modern sculptures however are found in one of the side gardens and near the olive trees there is a large wicker elephant. 

Quartz head in center of maze
I am going to ring and book a visit to see the house, soonish, though I am going to wait
 for a nice warm day.

Formal garden

One of two  friendly donkeys near car park
Jacobean style formal garden

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