Sunday 30 June 2013


 I adore peonies. The flowers are just so over the top, huge bowl bushy pom pom flowers with the sweetest gentle floral perfume. I have about twenty different types in my garden, but most are either white, pink or red. I know what they are all called when I see them in the garden as I can remember where I planted them, but as they are so similar looking I may make labelling errors. This year one I grew from seed having crossed two of my other varieties has flowered for the first time, so it is a world exclusive. It has a rather bedragled open bowl form and is rather Barbie pink in colour. If it were to have a name and if no-one is already using this name, I would like to call it "Lovely".
Shirley Temple

My own hybrid
Shirley Temple once fully open

Bowl of beauty
Sarah Berghause


Salome again
My hybrid again


 Clematis are easy to grow climbing plants, which add height and colour to your garden. They use virtually no room as you just shove them in near the base of whatever it is you wish them to climb up. You can even plant them in pots next to walls and then climb them up trellis or wiring. In my garden they climb up either obelisks, trellis or over my balcony and up through my wisteria. Brilliant flowers for no real effort, though water any in pots in dry weather.

Ross-on-Wye, River walk.

Town centre

Fish statue

Rowers racing on the river Wye

Little girl feeding swans

Ducks statue by river

View back towards Ross

                                Today I walked along the river Wye from Ross. Parking in Ross is free on a Sunday, otherwise I recommend the long term car park which is pay and display. The town centre is a mix of Tudor and more modern buildings. Horatio Nelson once stayed here and there is a plaque commemorating this. 

Following the brown tourist signs to the river walk, which is an absolute delight. When I was there the local college team were practising rowing on the river whilst children were feeding the ducks and swans.

The trees along the river were dotted with spiders web nests. these curious nests were dotted with hundreds of baby spiderlings whilst a mother spider in the centre guarded them. Quite beautiful but rather scary.

Spiders webs

Panoramic view

Thursday 27 June 2013

Priory Park, Malvern, Worcestershire.


Yellow Rose

Hebe in flower
  Priory park is looking lovely
 at the moment. Here are just a view floral highlights.
Pink lupin

Rather fancy carnation

Less fancy but delightfully smelling carnation

Purple lupin

View across one of the ponds

Monday 24 June 2013

Walk from the Wyche to the singing Kettle, Malvern Hills, Worcestershire.

I enjoyed a very windy Sunday walk yesterday. It certainly blew away the cobwebs. The plentiful rain we have been experiencing lately means it is very lush and green at the moment. Park at the Wyche church carpark and then walk south along the path furthest away from the church, if you want to follow this walk.

Happy Sheep

Pine cones in the tree canopy

Fox gloves

The pathway
Lovely cows

More lovely cows along the pathway.

June garden highlights, Malvern, Worcestershire.

Here are some of the flowers currently looking lovely in my garden.
Deep red peony

White clematis


Purple clematis

White Iris


No idea, came from free seeds


Deep red clematis

Shirley Temple peony