Friday 7 June 2013

The Beautiful Game, .

The Beautiful Game it seems to me
 Is a title full of irony

I can't name a player who isn't a cheat
Either on the pitch or the bed sheet
They don't seem to care about the score
Only about earning more
Every week fans invest time
And hopes and dreams and love
On teams of spoilt boys who whine
About how the results should've

Given them a win

Or at least a free kick
The ref's call was a sin
Making players feel sick
No it's never the fault
Of the guy in the strip
That wasn't assault
But good gamesmanship

In the end the winners seem  to be
The money men's bank balance
Which is wrong you must agree
So we should correct this abhorrence
And call it as it seems
A soul destroying waste of time
A raft of money making schemes
Long past its hay day at it's prime
Not beautiful but abysmal

By Izzy Silver

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