Sunday 30 June 2013


 I adore peonies. The flowers are just so over the top, huge bowl bushy pom pom flowers with the sweetest gentle floral perfume. I have about twenty different types in my garden, but most are either white, pink or red. I know what they are all called when I see them in the garden as I can remember where I planted them, but as they are so similar looking I may make labelling errors. This year one I grew from seed having crossed two of my other varieties has flowered for the first time, so it is a world exclusive. It has a rather bedragled open bowl form and is rather Barbie pink in colour. If it were to have a name and if no-one is already using this name, I would like to call it "Lovely".
Shirley Temple

My own hybrid
Shirley Temple once fully open

Bowl of beauty
Sarah Berghause


Salome again
My hybrid again

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