Sunday 30 June 2013

Ross-on-Wye, River walk.

Town centre

Fish statue

Rowers racing on the river Wye

Little girl feeding swans

Ducks statue by river

View back towards Ross

                                Today I walked along the river Wye from Ross. Parking in Ross is free on a Sunday, otherwise I recommend the long term car park which is pay and display. The town centre is a mix of Tudor and more modern buildings. Horatio Nelson once stayed here and there is a plaque commemorating this. 

Following the brown tourist signs to the river walk, which is an absolute delight. When I was there the local college team were practising rowing on the river whilst children were feeding the ducks and swans.

The trees along the river were dotted with spiders web nests. these curious nests were dotted with hundreds of baby spiderlings whilst a mother spider in the centre guarded them. Quite beautiful but rather scary.

Spiders webs

Panoramic view

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