Tuesday 4 June 2013

Function, beauty and the work ethic

J C Pennys' Hitler Kettle
Just over a week ago my kettle began developing a laize faire attitude to the task of boiling water. This means when the furore over the little fuhrer kettle that looks like a little Hitler, (J C Penny poster) has mostly struck me as how apt to function it is. The look-e-like-e boiling water with its boiling temper. 

My new kettle
Reminds me of all those dictators, divas, Z list celebs, minor royals and benefit cheats, all boiling over with contempt for others and a burning sense of undeserved entitlement.

Thing is I have been calling my kettle a lazy workshy hippy. All I want is a cup of tea, not to get through an airport quickly, steal someones table at a restaurant or invade Poland. Luckily for just £24 quid I have a nice new shiny kettle and, ( after boiling and discarding water twice as per safety instructions) I am now enjoying a lovely cuppa.

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