Monday 17 June 2013

Its not only the weather.

Its not only the weather making me feel blue, so today I will have a little wallow in the doldrums, before I promise tomorrow to be the bright and happy me. Feeling poetic, pathetic and melancholy I have another rather cheesy but not cheery verse to share.

A bit blue.

If misery likes company
Why am I alone with my tears,
Feeling lost and desolate
Overshadowed by my fears.
Solice is not found in solitude,
But lives where there are friends.
Everyone needs a hand to hold,
A knight who will defend
You when your feeling lost,
And cheer you when you win,
Or everything is valueless,
A waste of adrenaline.
Your whole lifes a story to tell,
The twists and turns, the highs and lows.
Life, the bright and scary carousel,
Until finally we decompose.

Izzy Silver.

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