Thursday 7 February 2013

Tank Hill Quarry, Malvern

Photo 1, Ivy covered tree trunks.

Photo 2.

Photo 3.
 Today I explored a bit more of Tank Hill Quarry. The wood feels magical with its narrow meandering paths, and you have expect to turn a corner and bump into a hobbit. Some of the trees grow straight out of the side of the quarry itself. The picture of the particularly impressively odd trunk and root, (photo 4) is a close up of the tree that bows slightly to the right of photo 3. I had not realised quite how disturbingly phallic photo 4 was, I just thought it was unbelievable that it had managed to root, grow and apparently flourish when it is growing out of a granite quarry wall.
Photo 4, Trunk and root detail.

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