Thursday 28 February 2013

Hurrah for the sunshine

A very welcome sight

Ice plants mid pruning

A job well done, and a foot

 The last day of February and a strange and wonderful sight is spotted. Hurrah for sunshine, and as I am off work today I decided to spend some time tidying up the garden, with a bit of light pruning and weeding. I tend to leave a lot of my pruning till spring as I think the old, (dead) growth gives the garden height and interest in winter as well as protecting the root stock.

The garden suddenly looks so much better once tidied ready for spring.

Rather surprisingly, considering my recent moaning about the cold snap we have had, some of the plants do not seem to have been aware that winter has not yet finished. Daisies and the scabious blue plants should really be dormant at the time, but both are flowering.
Scabious Blue

Also sometimes winter just does something frankly rather beautiful. I just love the way the petals on the hydrangea plant has rotted back, leaving the xylem veins still in tact. They look almost magical and the light dappling through onto the soil below is amazing, (though impossible to photograph).
Hydranger leaf detail

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