Wednesday 27 February 2013


Iris detail
 I think the reason February is the shortest month, is because as the last month of winter it is annoyingly cold, so we just want to see the back of it by about now. It has been so foggy and bitterly cold the last few days that going out and taking pictures is not only chilling but the resulting pictures dull and rather flat.

Signs that better things are to come though are evident. These miniature iris from my garden are so vibrant and their petal detail so intricate and beautiful that they promise warmer days to come.

I spent a pleasant five minutes today stuck behind a tractor that was cutting the hedges. Not only was it fascinating to watch but having realised the tiny hamlet I was passing through was called Bearswood I have decided it is the perfect place to come back to and explore with a picnic in the summer, though of course, "if you go down to the wood today- you would need not only a disguise but thermals.
Hedge cutting vehicle

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