Monday 13 May 2013

Blossom, Worcestershire.

Hawthorn Blossom also known as May Blossom
Pink Cherry Blossom
 I love blossom. Hawthorn Blossom is known as May Blossom and according to a little rhyme you shouldn't start digging your garden and planting things until the May blossom is out. 

White Cherry Blossom
I think what I love is the promise. Blossom means that spring is finally here and there should be no more frosty nights. Blossom promises a summer with cherries, plums, greengages, strawberries and over soft fruit and an autumn of  apples and pears.

Pear Blossom
I am hoping to have so much fruit this year that as well as just eating it straight from the tree that I can get a bit culinary with the excess. A freezer full of pies and crumbles, a larder full of jams, and some cider and perry. Yum.

Plum Blossom

Greengage Blossom

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