Wednesday 22 May 2013

Horse chestnut, conkers to you.

Floral chandeliers
 I love horse chestnut trees. As a child there was nothing better than collecting conkers. I would climb the trees or throw sticks up into the trees in an attempt to get down as many as possible. The joy when you opened up that spiky green shell and found one huge conker, deep velvety brown and blemish free. I would try drying them out in the oven and soaking them in vinegar to make them stronger and then carefully drill holes in them. Suddenly nobodies shoes had laces in them any more. 

Chestnut tree in the avenue

These days I also love the shape of the trees, and I adore the leaves. Such a glorious glossy green, with five "fingers" per leaf, each looking rather like a flatworm or a fluke, but together making an aliens hand.

Chestnut detail

The flowers are also a joy. Each "bunch"  grouped together in a shape reminiscent of either an upside down bunch of grapes, or if you are more romantically minded, a floral chandelier. The smell also is delightful. 

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