Sunday 19 May 2013

Ridge Walk, Malvern, Worcester, Beautiful Flora.

Bluebells in the wood
Unknown wildflower
 Yesterday I walked the West Malvern Ridge walk. This walk goes from the Outdoor Centre, through the farm yard and sheep fields, then along the ancient ridge path through a wood, before coming out at Croft Bank Farm. 

Bluebell detail
It was a delightfully warm day and along the pathway you came across various wild flowers. All our native wild flowers are legally protected, and so you should never pick them as you can be prosecuted. You must leave them so they will continue to thrive and hopefully will be there for generations to come. 
Wild garlic

Pink Orchids

Cowslip, Primula veris
I point this out really as wild orchids are critically endangered because they are so beautiful people steal them to put in their own gardens. This always fail to work as the orchids are such niche and specialist plants that they will not survive in your back garden no matter how carefully you try and replicate their natural home.


Angelica and some blue flower

Wood view

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