Thursday 23 May 2013

Beautiful birds of prey

Sparrow hawk

Barn owl
 I love spending as much time as possible outside, walking the hills or just pottering around in my garden. I know the names of quite a lot of the plants I see about the place, the trees, flowers and weeds. I like to think of my self as a country person, but in one area I am sadly lacking knowledge. 

Harris hawk
The common garden birds I know as they have distinctive calls and sit there long enough for me to see their distinctive markings. The big scary birds of prey however are a mystery. I am forever spotting large birds overhead and have no idea what they are. Owls are quite easy as long as they are the barn or tawny varieties. To me all the others look the same. Hawks and kestrels all look alike and just seem like small eagles I guess. 

Golden eagle

I thought I would look up what they look like and see if next time I see them I can work out what they are. Thought you might like to try that too.

Red kite


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