Thursday 2 May 2013

Beautiful Bankholiday Bluebell Bonanza, Callow End, Worcester.


Wild garlic by the side of the stream
 The bluebells I had spotted on Malvern Wells Common and the first bluebell in my garden appearing yesterday made me excited about the prospect of a bank holiday walk with friends and family, so I thought I would check out the bluebell walk, (as described  in detail just over a week ago). I expected to find the wild garlic in flower, and so was surprised to see their heads still shrouded from bloom. Soon they will be beautiful- but not yet.

Hawthorn blossom
The hedgerows though are splashed with wide swaths of hawthorn blossom, also known as May
blossom and seen in folk lore as a good omen to a
 fruit full growing season.

The skies today are the azure blue of the Mediterranean sea, and brought back warm memories of holidays.

The azure blue sky and an old tree
The lambs are now much more self assured and are grouping themselves with their peers rather than hiding in mother sheep's shadow. They are stocky and have delightfully pudgy rolls of fat around their thighs and necks. Charmingly they gambol the very
 picture of robust health.

But the woods of course are the highlight. Delightfully dappled by the warm spring sunshine they are enchantingly mystic looking. A peacock butterfly flutters by grabbing my attention, and the song of birds fill my ears with angelic cheer. The bluebells are open. Not yet at full strength- but by the weekend they should be in their prime. Proper delicate English bluebells modestly hang their shy bonny blue heads. The intricate shape of these perfect bells so precise and artful, natures pure design.
 The woods adorned in these precious sapphire jewels
 could not be more lovely.

Blue bell detail

Dappled sunshine in bluebell wood

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