Thursday 16 May 2013

Earnslaw Quarry Lake, Malvern hills, Worcestershire.

Dappled woods and fresh foliage

From Earnslaw Quarry car park go north along the easy access path to a grassy clearing with several benches. Behind the banked wall of trees a path leads you down to Earnslaw lake.

Bluebells along the path

The trees around the clearing
Forget-me-nots along the path
Everything, the grass, foliage, gently unfurling ferns are so very very verdant, vigorous and vital. In the ancient woods all is new and every breath you feels is life affirming. Blue flowers in patches embellish the dappled floors. Earnslaw lake, the flooded quarry, mystically reflects the fairytale foliage.

Ferns unfurling

Nature on such a day as this seems bounteous and protective rather than red in tooth and claw.

Earnslaw lake from above

Mystic looking tree roots

Earnslaw lake reflecting it's surrounding and so disappearing

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