Saturday 30 March 2013

Woolhope Dome and Broadmoor Common, Herefordshire.

Mistletoe detail
Crocus and daffodil
Today I went on a circular walk  through an area known as the Woolhope Dome and across a Nature Reserve called Broadmoor Common. We used a pub called The Crown as the place to start and finish our walk. The food there is great and so it is also where we had our lunch. This also means the 12th century church, visible from almost all points along our walk, signposted for us where we had parked our car. 

Broadmore Common, which we crossed at a part of the walk, is a species rich and valuable grassland common. We saw sheep and lambs, cows,  Canada geese, common geese and hens whilst on the walk. 

An easy and interesting walk, with many sweet bridges, stiles and kissing gates, it is well signposted and is 6.5 miles in length. Free leaflets with maps are available from local tourist information centres.

Various views from walk 

Apple orchard crossed on walk

One of several duck ponds

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