Monday 18 March 2013

Perseverance Hill, Wyche Cutting, Malvern Hills, Worcestershire

View looking north

Malvern Town, Poolbrook area as viewed from top

The Pathway

Perseverance Hill is reached from Wyche Cuttings by taking the path behind the bus stop. Wyche bus stop has a witch for a weather vane on top of it. Wyche however has nothing to do with witches, and is actually a derivation of winch, as when the local quarries where still being worked there was a winch here.

It is not far from where you park to the top of the hill, so you quickly find yourself on the hill ridge looking either south towards British Camp or north towards the Worcestershire beacon. If you look down on the eastern side of the hill you have a clear view of the Poolbrook and Fruitlands areas.

On a windless day like today, especially with the weak spring sunshine trying it's best, the views across the ridge are amazing.

I also saw my first rabbit today, though at the speed it streaked of at it may have been a hare, and it is March and it looked a little mad. I tried my best to get a picture of it, but as the last photo shows, not very successfully, though you can make it out.
View looking south

View looking across Wyche Cuttings

A hare, (honestly) running across Grundy's Meadow

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