Saturday 23 March 2013

British Camp, Malvern Hills

Steps near summit
Not a rabbit

Friendly dog
 British Camp hill, reservoir and paths are my favourite areas to walk in the Malvern Hills. The views are all staggeringly beautiful, and there is so much variety. So many different paths to chose between and everyone offers you something different.

Unfortunately someone hacked this entry and wiped it out, so I am re-entering the few pictures I hadn't already deleted from the day. Quite annoying.

The "not a rabbit" it actually a mis-shapen heather. It looks so much like a rabbit that I spent about five minutes creeping up on it to try and get a picture. Finally I realised the reason it hadn't moved was not because of my incredible stealth, but because it wasn't an animal. I did feel daft.

However if you are in Malvern and only have one day to walk, visit British Camp. For more pictures look at my other blogs, as many of them are of the hill, reservoir and woods at British Camp.
Tulips, just to cheer you up.

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