Monday 4 March 2013

Ethereal Earnslaw Wood, Malvern Hills

Lower path leading from carpark

 It is rather overcast today, so I wasn't confident about how my pictures would turn out. The wood around Earnslaw Car park however never fail to inspire. A wood's character can change so much depending upon the light, from gothic scary nightmare at dusk or when stormy to a bright cool dappled haven from the heat of summer. Today it was mystic and ethereal, not quite a scene for fairies, rather somewhere just a stone's throw away from the Shire's, a place for the bravest hobbits to camp in.

I took the lowest path to the left of the car park if you are looking away from the hill and back towards the road. I followed this path to the clearing with two benches. I had never previously noticed the exposed roots behind the first bench. Possibly the soil has fallen away during the wet winter weather of December/January. Having noticed it I then looked behind it and found a most enchanting view of one of the quarry pools.

I then doubled back on myself but took the highest path. The light was constantly changing and this kept altering the feel of the woods. Suddenly I came out in to bright spring sunshine as I reached the summit of the hill, which is marked by a large stone circle, upon which I stood to take my picture. I then returned to
Clearing with two benches
 the car park down the very steep stepped path. This is not a path to take if you have any problems with your knees, but something about it always makes
me imagine Hansel and Gretel have been here. I think it is that the trees here are quite closely packed together and so it is just a shade darker, perfect for a
witch attempting to entice children with a gingerbread house.

Exposed root detail

Quarry pool just behind exposed roots

Views from higher path taken from clearing

View from on top of Gold mine marker

Stairs down from summit back to car park

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