Friday 22 March 2013

British Camp, foggy day photos part two

My sleepy owl socks

Steps up to British Camp Hill summit
 It snowed again last night, and I can't get my car out of the drive. Have decided not to go anywhere that my sleepy owl socks don't provide adequate protective footwear. 

Luckily I have some rather lovely pictures from British Camp on Wednesday that I haven't shared with you. 

I am not great at taking pictures of wildlife, as the picture of the rook or crow shows. That bird and it's mate flew over my head repeatedly for about eight minutes and that is the best picture I managed to take.

I thought my luck had changed as I stealthily crept up on a rabbit I had noticed, only to realise it was actually a marvellously rabbit shaped gorse plant.
Not a rabbit

Crow or Rook ?

Pathway in ditch

View in wood

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