Tuesday 23 July 2013



We sat together
Me on his knee,
And we talked of fairies and knights
And trips to the moon, 
And I knew
He always would love me.

We sat together
Round the kitchen table,
And we talked about school and exams,
And what to do when being bullied,
And I knew
He always loved me.

We sat together
On the garden bench,
I was now as tall as I ever would be,
In silence and shock,
And I knew
He always loved me.

We sat together,
He in his wheel chair
And we talked about everything
Even his fears,
And I knew
What it was to love.

I sit alone
Memories supporting me,
Of a man, his life and stories,
And his legacy,
And I know,
Inside me is someone worth love.

by Izzy Silver

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