Tuesday 1 January 2013

North Hill.

Because this is my first proper posting I wanted to make an effort and find something beautiful. The new year is all about perspective, a fresh start, new beginnings  Sometimes what is beautiful also is about perspective. Okay so I climbed a pretty hill and HURRAH it isn't raining. The sky is definitely the most beautiful it has been in weeks. Stand far enough from anything and it can look beautiful.

Stand close enough to anything and really look and you can see beauty too. This is a rock I saw covered in various lichens and mosses and the gentle weak winter light made it look quite silver in places.

The New Year though promises beauty and opportunity to come, just as this green shoot I found promises. This is a hyacinth shoot and in a few months time it will smell heavenly. I am hoping for a new year that may not all come up smelling like roses, but hopefully there will be plenty of beauty and pleasure to discover and enjoy.

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