Thursday 31 January 2013

Ancient Ridge Walk, West Malvern

Gate at Croft Farm onto Ridge walk
 I decided to try and do the ridge walk again, that was what I had been trying to do when I got lost in West Malvern wood last week. I have walked the ridge walk about 16 times, but often wasted quite a lot of time lost in the wood by the park before finding the path to Croft Farm

Had a fantastic idea, I thought, start at the farm end because the gate to the path is easier to find.
View of West Malvern from ridge

View westward across Herefordshire countryside

Tree canopy detail

Muddy Path
Unfortunately this is not a totally me proof plan. There were a few places where the path divided in to several, and so I stuck to the what looked like the main path. When I saw the yew three below I remember thinking, "I never noticed that before." Well that was because I had g\one to far along the wrong path. Not a huge disaster, as the tree with the bracket fungi and the scary looking quarry I had never seen before and were both very beautiful.\

Yew Tree
The woods here are very ancient, as the walk I went on was mentioned in the Domesday book. In particular they were mentioned as there are Service  Trees, which were used in ancient times to make alcohol planted here. Apparently they are still here, though I don't know what they look like so couldn't take a picture,
Tree with bracket fungi

Most dangerous bit of pathway

Quarry sign

A road tree detail

Earl Beauchamps's Fountain

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