Thursday 15 August 2013

Circular walk, West Malvern, near Worcester.

This walk starts and ends by the Outdoor Centre in West Malvern, at the top of Old Hollow road. Walk down the path through the outdoor centre and on to the farm. You cross the yard through the two metal gates and then stick to the path through two fields in which sheep are grazing. At the top far corner f the next field you go up through the next field and in the top corner you pass under trees to a path entering the wood. After you pass through the wooden gate you go a little further up before meeting a path making a t with the one you are on. You have now done the hardest part of the walk. Take the left hand path and you follow the ridge through the woods until you reach a metal gate. This is a long flat section of the walk. You now go through a farm yard and then on to the bottom of a private road. Just past a few houses on the left is a footpath sign, and following this you go through a few fields and then are back at the first farm at the outdoor centre.
Sheep freshly shorn

Here are a few of the sights I saw today following this walk.

First field

View north

Towards wooden gate onto ridge

Tree detail

Ridge path

Path in dappled shade

View west towards Herefordshire

View east across to Malvern Hill from second farm

Lower path back to first farm

Interesting burr in hedgerow

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