Saturday 3 August 2013

Bees and Vegetables at a friends allotment, Morpeth near Newcastle.

Whilst visiting friends in Morpeth near Newcastle, they took me to see their allotment and the bees they have. They have only been keeping bees for a short while but already have had two honey harvests. The bees clearly love it there an now they not only have the two original hives, but a new young swarm, which are currently housed in the middle nursery hive box.

We were very lucky whilst we were there as the queen from one of the two established hives decided to go on a walk about. When still young queens will leave the hive occasionally to go out on mating flights, and the worker bees crowd around the entrance waiting for her return. The queen returned while we were there and you van see her in the close up picture, she is the largest bee in the centre of the frame.

Two hives and centre nursery hive

The return of the Queen

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